
Re:Sound Releases 2016 Annual Review


We are excited to show off our 2016 Annual Review!

In 2016, our distributable revenues were nearly $40 million. We worked with Canada’s major labels to improve data feeds through the implementation of ISRC codes, in order to eliminate duplication in our existing infrastructure. We did this while improving efficiency to reduce costs and improve distribution times, all with downstream benefits to performers. We also worked on joint initiatives with SOCAN that will pave the way for increased cooperation in music licensing – benefiting those who use music, and those who create it.

In 2016, we licensed 3,000 new businesses, and contacted 26,000 business across Canada about music licensing. We processed over 100 million plays, and nearly 11.5 million rights holder claims. We collected $25.8 million through our international agreements, and at the end of 2016, we had 16 of these international agreements in place.

In everything we did in 2016, we exemplified our core values, including transparency and efficiency.

Click here for ourĀ 2016 Annual Review.